Fusing Your Business With L & D

Fusing Your Business With L & D

L&D means learning and development. One of the key functions of any organisation’s HR department is to ensure that employees are provided with the right skill-set and knowledge they need to function effectively on the job and thus, grow the company.

It is therefore imperative that companies establish an L&D strategy to facilitate continuous learning for their staff. Employees need to have their capacities built to operate according to the emerging trends in the business arena. The L&D strategy should align with the organisation’s vision and mission. Its aim should be to identify learning gaps and propose appropriate training and courses. It should align with achieving the KPIs of the staff taking the courses.

Some areas where training is needed include orientation, onboarding process, hard and soft skills development and leadership training.

L&D has will help an organisation to achieve its short-term and long-term goals. Its impact will help organisations shape the future of their company and as Jim Collins puts it, move from good to great.

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